About painter

Míla Doleželová
12 November 1922 Prostějov - 30 December 1993 Telč
"God grant me to paint well," these words were written in her calendar by the painter and visual artist Míla Doleželová. In the photographs that depict her, we see a woman with expressive eyes, unmistakable features, curls of hair and strangely severe glasses. From these pictures, we can perhaps even sense how multilayered her inner world was, and that she was characterised by a certain rebelliousness and determination to keep on going in pursuit of her great dream: to be a painter.
Míla Doleželová was an unmistakable, exceptional and distinctive personality who imprinted her own vision of the world on her paintings, whether it was a large-scale technically demanding oil painting or a small graphic design for a postage stamp. In the context of the time, one of her main themes is also quite unusual, namely capturing moments in the lives of the Roma, with whom she had a lifelong bond and painted repeatedly. Similarly, she was also strongly influenced by Christian symbolism and spirituality, which also strongly influences her work.